An exhibit challenging us to protect our wild places and honor the legacy of Glacier National Park

The Legacy Project: Original paintings by renowned artist, Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey, honoring the natural beauty and enduring legacy of Glacier National Park.

“For a couple of years, I have been percolating ideas for a project called Forever Glacier. As a Glacier Centennial Artist and with the Park so close in proximity and near to my heart, I wanted to create a series of large (usually a 30” x 40”) colorful silk paintings honoring each of the 17 large mammals and 3 additional pieces showing groupings of all the small mammals who live or have lived in Glacier Park, where they have adequate habitat to sustain themselves.  The Park is many things to many people: for me, I feel so fortunate to be able to wander and wonder in its pristine landscape and suddenly catch sight of a wolverine, a pika, a grizzly.

This unique body of work will be the heart of a major traveling exhibit used to inspire people of all ages to find a special connection with Glacier National Park.  The traveling exhibit will include 25 paintings plus a robust educational component developed to encourage folks to interact in various ways with the exhibit and give those who may never have a chance to visit in person as much of the Glacier experience as possible.”

– Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey

“In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Forever Glacier Legacy Project began with a song and a vision and evolved from my love of painting (with rich, strong color and form) the large mammals of Glacier Park. Gradually it morphed into a deeper commitment to preserving the “wild places” across the country, exemplified and treasured in our national parks, perhaps America’s best idea.

My heart imagined what the project could become. The Forever Glacier Legacy Project is the result.

— Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey, Artist

The Tour

Twenty-five paintings and educational elements honoring America’s wild places